I really apologize for this wall of text, I'm kinda scared.
In early 2016 I went to Best Buy, and stupidly, on a whim opened up a Best Buy Visa card and purchased a gaming laptop. Within 48 hours I returned the laptop to Best Buy, called the number on the back of my Best Buy Citi card Visa credit card and notified them of the return. I honestly don't remember needing to do anything after that because I thought that the refund would be returned and I only had to pay about $80 in what I think were handling or some sort of a penalty fee. I could be wrong about the amount I paid, but I'm pretty sure it was around $80-$100.
Today I received, via UPS, a letter from Midland Credit Management(MCM) that I am in Pre-legal status and will be sent to a lawyer(?) starting 02/12/19 for court proceedings. I know that I returned the laptop and spoke with someone from Citibank Visa notifying them of the return in 2016. I mean shit, I did it at the store right there after returning it. I realize the stupidity of what I did in regards to opening that Visa and then closing it, and I'm beating myself up over not paying more attention to what I thought were spam calls from telemarketers when they were probably notifying me of this situation. When I called MCM it went about the same as all the horror stories I've read here; they were very high pressure and kind laid on a guilt trip. MCM did offer a lower amount to pay, but knowing that I returned the laptop without even starting the thing, it just kills me to have to pay anything more. Especially since it was so long ago, among other factors. I didn't agree to anything on that call and ended it shortly after.
I read the debt and credit repair section in the sidebar and will definitely use it to try and proceed. I'm just super freaked out with having to pay for something that I just cannot afford right now, barely living paycheck to paycheck every 2 weeks. It feels like I'm preaching to the choir and I know this is my own fault for not giving enough validity to past collections attempt that I thought weren't valid or just straight up fraudulent.
On a side note, and I thank you so much if you've made it this far down. But, I am currently, and have been for over a year, in a program at a local hospital to beat my addiction to opioids. I've been clean this whole time but between the Dr. visits and high cost of the prescriptions that aren't fully covered by my health provider anymore I am feeling more broke by the day. Just refilling my anti opiate prescription can cost just over $200 a month, and that could be much worse so I'm thankful for that. And yes, I know it's my own fault for getting addicted to painkillers. But, everything I'm doing right now in life is for the betterment of my wife and child, who are all I care about. So sorry for the wall of text, and thank you so much for reading this. All advice and suggestions are very appreciated.
I am a married parent & we have a wonderful 3 year old girl, and being the sole household earner while also going back to school once a week to try and learn a new trade to make more money to be able to take care of my family...it's just that this feels like the proverbial straw that's going to break the camels back.
Submitted January 30, 2019 at 09:55PM by helpinky http://bit.ly/2GcrUFM