Hi all. Sure similar questions have been asked already on this sub. Have gone through many posts to come to this conclusion. Would, however, appreciate your insights as I’m fairly new to this.
Apart from having money already put into some stocks and crypto, I still have a large amount sleeping on a savings account that I would like to invest into a mix of these ETF’s. A healthy amount of emergency savings, as well as room to invest in other stocks or crypto, are good to go as well.
Since it’s my first time investing in ETF’s, what do you guys think of the following ratios:
55% VOO + 30% VXF + 15% VXUS ?
Also.. when would be a good time to jump into these, as I’ve noticed there are dips every once in a while (like beginning of last month, for example). These dips in ETF indexes seem to follow more of pattern/trend as opposed to individual stocks and cryptos.
Thanks for your opinions and insights 🙏
Submitted November 06, 2021 at 11:05AM by DoriOli https://ift.tt/3GPTGom