As an instructor and frugal living individual, I wish to share some frugal advice on keeping fit at home. I hope this is ok.
Suitable equipment for a person who has no injuries could include;
Swimming togs; Swimming in your local beach or lake when it is permitted so and preferably with other people is a very healthy way to get fit. It will help boost your immune system as well as encourage weight loss by way of burning calories.
Comfortable footwear; Walking is a really underrated way of encouraging body weight to shift. Yes it has to be regular and for good durations if you wish to see results but if you already own a pair of comfortable runners, then why not go for it? When you create the habit of casual walks in your daily routine, progress to a more difficult walk that includes higher inclines such as hills or increase the duration of your walking times. If you want to get more adventurous then progress to a light jog every so often throughout your walk to build your stamina and when you feel ready, you can set yourself short jogs which can be increased in time yet again. All for free at your own pace and in your own time. In my country there is a great app called 'Couch to 5k' which i recommend for beginners looking to walk/jog.
At home body weight exercises; You can chose to do these by way of instructional videos online via YouTube or other free platforms. These exercises could include push ups, sit ups, lunges, back extensions etc. and are a really great place to start with your fitness if you are looking to tone up your body on a budget. You may require a mat but at home, I use my living room rug or a towel if needed to create a barrier between myself and the ground.
There are some helpful online classes on YouTube with rest periods and levels accounted for so don't be afraid to test run your fitness that way.
Now, on to the equipment that will cost but you may be able to source at an affordable price through unwanted classifieds, local goodwill stores or perhaps even a friend or family member.
Workout bands; It is advantageous to have these for adding resistance to some your body weight exercises. Suitable for full body weight workout or exercises with weights involved. Approx. cost = anywhere from 5 euros - 20 euros depending on the resistance level you require &/or if they are purchased as a multipack.
Pull up bar; Brilliant for working the back. You can start out using strong bands to allow for some assistance. You will then gradually decrease the resistance on your assisted band to allow for your progressions to make way. Eventually you can carry out these exercises with a choice of grips to suit your comfort and will be able to do so without the use of any band necessary. Approx. cost = 20 euro.
Palette bars; A little bit on the costly side but very beneficial for bodyweight workouts. I highly advise these items alongside a 'calisthenics' workout video for your required level from YouTube. FREE training for life via videos, but a one time purchase for approx. = 40 euros.
Inflatable Workout Ball; Very beneficial piece of equipment for those of you who are looking to work on balance/ Work on core work or posture work. The exercises range from beginner to very advance but as it stands, very handy to have. Not essential in my eyes but can offer relief or resistance depending on how you chose to use it.
Weights / Kettlebells; Not essential equipment. Always pay attention to the correct posture and control when carrying out weighted exercises. Often people assume that weights are the best place for them to start however this type of equipment can drive a high price especially if they will be left there, however, I would recommend having 1 pair of kettlebells/ dumbbells if your looking to work on weighted exercises at home. Having one set can help with a really good workout whether you are in need of a quick H.I.I.T class or just looking to work on a targeted area. It is handy to have but as I mentioned, not essential if your looking to save on cash. Approx. = 15 euros +
Recommended YouTube video genre;
Full body bodyweight workouts/ Yoga or general stretching videos/ High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T) videos for those of you short on time but seeking a fast session/ Understanding a balanced diet.
I thought it might be a help to post this as I recently seen somebody had expressed interest on attending fitness at a low price and I thought maybe somebody could get some help on at home cheap equipment.
November 14, 2021 at 09:33AM