I’ve lived with my mom ever since my father passed and we always had a tense relationship but I just suffered through it because I really didn’t have any other options. I finally built up the courage (and savings) to move out a few months ago because my mom had started to get really abusive towards me. Living on my own has been hard especially living paycheck to paycheck but I have plans to go to community college in a few years when I save up a bit more. All those plans were shattered when my card was declined at the grocery store this morning. I went home and checked my bank account to see essentially all my funds in my account withdrawn.
I called my bank up and apparently my bank account is still a joint one where my mother is on it. She set up my bank account when I was very young as one of those joint accounts when a parent has access to it and I completely forgot that was even the case. Anyways the bank basically said since it’s a joint account my mother was allowed to do the withdrawal. I texted my mother immediately after I got off the phone with the bank since she wasn’t answering my calls and she just texted me “since you’re an adult and you pay rent now think of this as backpay for when you lived with me, thanks.” I’m completely stunned she would do something this cruel. I don’t get paid for another two weeks so I honestly don’t know how I’ll get by until then. I’ll keep texting/begging my mom to reverse what she did but she seems like she’s just done with me at this point. I finally thought I was free from her but now I have nothing. I was looking forward to going to college in the near future now I don’t know how I’ll pay my utilities and rent bills let alone even buy groceries.
Submitted October 16, 2021 at 10:24AM by reveal_time_bfedit https://ift.tt/3vgLMzb