When shopping at TJ Maxx with my wife the other day, we came across a Le Creuset Dutch Oven for $169. We were wondering why it was so cheap when we saw an orange "Second Choix - Seconds" on the side of it. We thoroughly inspected it and found no substantial flaws with it - only a couple cosmetic bumps (the paint on the rim was a bit spotty). Otherwise, the cookware is perfect!
Through the power of Google, we found out Le Creuset sells any cookware that isn't 100% perfectly made (but still very usable) as a "Second" - a discounted item that only has a cosmetic flaw.
Make sure to check your local outlet malls, consignment stores, overstock department stores, etc. to see if they have anything similar to this. I'm not sure if other brands do this, but this saved my wife and I roughly $200!
October 13, 2021 at 11:10AM