I have to explain the entire relationship between me and my company to get a better understanding of my current predicament. I was hired for a paid internship position as a developer for a very small digital marketing company 2.5 months ago through my university (We consist of 1 CTO, and 2 interns). After 2 weeks, my university declined them being able to take me because I am not in my 3rd year yet and lack the credits. Regardless, my company was very impressed with me and wanted to keep me because I was halfway in developing an app for a client (alone). When the month ended, I was asked for my IBAN to send me my pay. 2 weeks passed and nothing so I contacted them and asked what's up and they told me that the client ghosted us and we will drop the app and that they will pay me soon. OK cool. New client, a new app, and I convinced them to give me full control to develop it as I've proven myself in the app before and got the part. One week after, they say that they got into contact with the other client and that he will send the money. Anyways, after it hit the 2-month mark it was ridiculous. I told them I have to pay my rent soon and won't be able to work until I do, so they immediately called me and started telling me that the other client ghosted us once again, still didn't pay, and is causing issues. They also explained that during last summer, they had a reserve of money borrowed from their bank but used it up paying their employees until now. They were expecting money from the client after showing the demos of the app and would use that money to pay us. They also said that they have X amount of money ready to be collected AFTER they deliver their current projects (mine being one of them very close to completion). So, I thought that if I do nothing, we don't get paid (because the App I am developing is in my language and my CTO can't do anything at this point so the completion of this app for this huge local company is on me, an intern). "But wait a second", I thought to myself after 2.5 months of not getting paid, "we showed the demo of the NEW app to the new clients, therefore arent they supposed to have paid too?" I don't know and at this point, I feel that I have been taken advantage of since the beginning, I have brought up payment many times and many times I got excuses making me think I have to keep working for ALL OF US TO GET MONEY, NOT JUST ME! I have had to borrow a lot of money this month from people because I was expecting to get paid from 2 months back... I don't know how to bring up that I am not going to work until I get paid without sounding threatening, but they are all playing so coy and oblivious if they are really playing me, but I don't know. Is this just a company at a very bad stage, or am I just being taken advantage of? Since I joined this company, I have been the only dev on TIME, and with RESULTS, and with the highest chance of getting this bloody company some money. I am really good but really new so I don't exactly know what position I am in or what I can do.
- This is my first job ever.
- I do not have a contract with them yet. In this country, I am supposed to get a social security number to work but will get it only from my employer if it is my first time. But my employer is saying they can't. So my alternative is to register as freelancer and assign myself a social security number. The issue is this process takes time and my appointment is next month. So I have been working "lowkey" for them this entire time as well.
Edit: I haven't started looking for another job yet because them having me in "lowkey" is bad for them and I don't want to put on my Linkedin that I've worked for them as they could get in trouble (??) or just straight out deny I worked for them to my next employer
Edit 2: I also don't want to just leave because I NEED THAT MONEY I AM OWED! I got lot shit that relies on it at this point 😭
Edit 3: I am also in doubt of whether I am being cheated or not because the big boss is helping me get me appointments for this "freelancer" registration. The even more doubtful thing is though, that every single person/friend/website I asked, all told me that if it is my first time working that my company HAS to give and pay for my SSN. The intern salary I got in with is X, but since my uni denied my internship, the minimum part-time salary by law is twice that. I thought, because I was really showing that I am a beast in what I do, they would comfortable (at least that was what I understood) with paying me that amount. But that since no SSN (from them supposedly), no contract, no minimum of twice. The freelancer on the other hand, offers his services and has no minimum. SO I am deep in some theory that I can't prove. I just want my money, I don't care if it is the intern one,
Submitted October 14, 2021 at 07:57AM by Crusader-29 https://ift.tt/3v99u02