I've amassed a few electronics I want to sell before they're obsolete but I'm a bit nervous about using my preferred method, craigslist. I prefer craigslist because I know I'm getting a reasonable price for my stuff as apposed to a pawn shop or some second hand electronics website who would give me like 25% of its value.
I've sold tons of stuff on Craigslist but it's typically something huge and cheap like a bed frame or a dresser. I usually sell everything for cash and have them come to my house to pick it up. I've never sold anything for more than $200 and never anything that can just be easily snatched and ran off with (tablet, watch, phone, ect.) As a teen I let a stranger use my phone to make a call and they just ran off with it. These items/money are not dire to me, but it took me a long time to get over the feeling of violation after being stolen from and the idea of letting a scumbag who would steal just walk off with a couple hundred of my dollars sounds like a bad time.
What are some steps you personally take to assure you're not about to get jumped or ripped off when buying/selling things from a site like Craigslist? Also, what's a good way to prove something like a tablet is functioning as intended without just handing it over and letting them go through it?
June 07, 2021 at 11:49PM