My wife and I have a small “windfall” and can afford to invest about $80,000-$100,000. We’d like to live in the now a bit, so we’re putting in a pool, but we can finance a pool and not retirement. I have ten years invested in a pension and a deferred compensation plan. The pension will pay approximately $40k a year if I retire at 50 (nearly 12% contribution) and I put $300 a month into my deferred comp, so overall I’m putting almost a grand away a month into various retirement accounts. My wife isn’t in as good a spot, she’s sitting at about 15k saved.
We’re both in our mid thirties and I’m tired of working already. She busted her ass for that money (Covid nurse). Is there a way we can invest this money to possible be able to retire early at 50-55?
Submitted May 16, 2021 at 07:14PM by transporteraccident