Hey everyone, this is my first post on this sub and made a new account just to be extra sure my mother wouldn't find this post, so bare with me. I have copied and pasted this post from one I just made public on r/raisedbynarcissits, and I am seeking some advice on my mother stealing my identity. Also, I apologize for any grammar mistakes. Backstory-
I am a 20 year old junior in college, and not going to lie my tuition isn't cheap. My parents divorced in 2015, while I was a freshman in college, and I have been dealing with emotional abuse and manipulation by my mother for more than 5 years. I have two younger brothers, ages 14 and 9, who sadly still deal with the backlash of the divorce. She also has had a drug problem going back more then fifteen years, and has been fired from several positions in the medical field for her stealing problems. My mother also has an extreme issue with lying, and at this point I can't seem to believe a word that comes out of her mouth. But, me being a naive 18 year old, believed her when she said that she could pay for my tuition. However, It came to my attention that I had a poor credit score through my cable company. I thought this was very odd, since I only have a debit card and have a decent amount of money. I go to find out that she has placed $50,000 of student loans in my name, and has opened four different credit card accounts, each maxed out with $2,000 on them. I currently have around $57,000 in debt. My credit score sits at a 549. I did my research, and have come to realize that the only chance I have to restore my credit is to file a police report. She is guilt tripping me, by saying she did this all for me so I could have the best life possible. She is very good at manipulating situations so she is the victim, so I am trying my best to stay level-headed. I talked to several family members regarding her actions, and they surprisingly have taken her side, because they do not want her arrested. The only person in my entire family that has my back is my father, who I hardly speak to as it is ( due to the divorce ). My mother is threatening to take away my car, my computer, and cell phone if I decide to go the legal route. Honestly, none of that even matters to me at this point. My mother is stating she will never have a relationship with me if I go through this, and it sounds like my aunt and possibly grandparents will have nothing to do with me either. This is making me have severe anxiety, and I am having trouble making it through the day without breaking down. Reddit, I need help. Any advice would be so appreciated, and let me know If I need to elaborate on anything. Thank you
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 12:11AM by bunnylove20 http://ift.tt/2gQbN2P