Hello all. I'm hoping to get a little guidance, ultimately I think I will probably need an elder attorney but figured I'd start here. My mom had open heart surgery in January, but has been hospitalized since then. Unfortunately, after multiple of complications, things have been on a steady decline. Today I got news that despite any progress and attempts made to this point, she will be on ventilator support for the remainder of her life. I'm devastated, but as the only child, I have to keep things together.
Most likely she will be transitioning to a skilled nursing for continued care. She has lived with me for several years and we have a ton of mingled finances, so I'm worried about how this is going to impact her ability to qualify for medicaid. Currently she has Medicare + Plan F supplement, so thank goodness at the moment we are 0% responsible for any of the $1M+ medical bills she's made to this point, but I know longterm care after 100 days is not covered.From what I read online, in order to qualify for medicaid, we will have to "spend down" her accounts to $2k, but how is that impacted if I'm a joint owner on her accounts? For years she and I have split bills/paid each other with transfers and such so I'm afraid that if they do the look back we're going to be screwed.
The other issues is her current bills. She has a car payment, her supplement payment and her various CC bills. Her income consists of Pension and SS, but I know that will all have to go to nursing home. As far as her car, I'd like to either sell it privately or take over the payments and keep it. Do I talk to the bank independently for that? Do I just tell the CC companies that she is permanently disabled and let them write them off what not? I'm authorized on several of her cards, but am NOT a joint on any of them, only a joint on her bank accounts. Does her Plan F supplement continue to come out of her account or should I start paying it from account?
There's so much to think about, I just don't want to eff up something that can have critical impacts down the line. Thanks
Submitted April 18, 2021 at 07:02PM by DivaliciousRedz https://ift.tt/3sASE7C