I just opened a Roth IRA and found out I can still contribute to 2020. I have two shares of Amazon stock from more than a year ago. Should I sell them (~$6500) to put $6000 into the 2020 Roth IRA? I don't really have $6000 in cash sitting around.
I am starting my first career job soon so my tax rate is as low as it'll ever be. The Smart Asset capital gains tax calculator figures my due will be $255. Additional Question: I am moving from WA to CA soon. WA does not have state income tax but CA has 9.3%. This means I would save $158 in state tax if I sell the stocks while still living in WA, right?
Submitted February 10, 2021 at 06:59PM by Eldereon https://ift.tt/2MWrb1h