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Hey everyone,

Today starts the day where I am on the path to possibly be sued for something I didn't request or ask for. The main driving point is how this is for 'debt' less than 10k and a lawyer is not the proper option yet. How can I get my thoughts in the proper alignment? How do I protect myself? What should I do from here? Here is a short list of points that I hope help this post.

  1. I rent commercial warehouse properties.
  2. My lease says no liens or lease is void.
  3. Architect 1 and Architect 2 are scammers at best. Architect 3 is an angel.
  4. Architect 2 tries to scam for $xx,xxx.
  5. I contested the charges immediately upon receipt of the last invoice and requested all my money back for failing to do the project how I wanted.
  6. I only received email correspondence showing debts owed, no certified mail.

Here is the story. Every business start up needs a change of use to make sure codes and regulations are met. Architect 1 was hired to do the job, but they charged duplicate hours. All measurements of the building were redone, and redone, and redone again. It made no sense. Its a square building. Turns out, they were just burning hours to make money. They were sneaking onto job site when nobody was there and claiming time. Found out when I swapped their key and they brought a crew down and they were all locked out. They told me the measurements were already done during a prior conversation before the lock out. Architect 1 isn't in the picture any longer.

Architect 2 was approached in hopes that we could have an alternate work ethic and they picked up where the last left. We used all the documents from Architect 1 to bring Architect 2 up to speed. Architect 1 is important because it shows proof of our change of use concept and layout. I was quoted x an hour, z per assistant, and no more than $x,xxx to complete the project. This architect refused to make the print how I illustrated. There is nothing wrong with my draft. Nothing illegal or in conflict of building code. Architect 1 did it no problem. Architect 2 wanted to render half my building useless, build random walls and demolition random walls that are pristine and structurally sound. Everything they wanted to do was 100% unnecessary and wasn't even remotely close to my drawing. I approached them with all of the errors and complete oversights and demanded they do what I told them or I am not paying. Architect 2 then sent an invoice for 3 x the entire project value to fix all the errors. Sigh..... I actually went back to check my drawing I sent him to confirm I didn't make a mistake, how could it seriously happen again???.... and HOLY SHIT, they did not follow anything I said AGAIN. I cannot believe this. I cannot believe this. I cannot believe this. I immediately disputed the charges with specific reasons stated as to why they messed up and how they caused themselves 3x hours for not reading or looking at my drawing and emails. I used specific language and precise measurements. They even stated the corrections they made in email when I pointed them out. When making these corrections, they didn't 'realize' that all the extra fake work they did, didn't have to be done, but left it there anyways. I asked for all my money back. They ignored me. They said I could set up a meeting and discuss further work on this project. They charge for meetings. They charged me to pay an invoice in person and to explain to them they did everything wrong. Is this even legal? They then ceased all communication with me. I have no clue how this person has their license still, but I am here ask for help. I have been sent to collections for services I didn't request. At this point I walked away from the first and second invoice payments because I found that a lawyer costs more than my first 2 invoices.

Architect 3 spent about 15 hours on the project from scratch and completed it in 10% of the time. They only charged 10% more. This architect is not a scammer. Zero hassle, 1 visit to the site.

1 year later I get a call from collections.(edit: recieved 12-8-20) I received a call from collections stating how I have been so HARD to find. They claim the Architect attempted so many times to invoice me and I couldn't be reached. The architect never sent another invoice at all. They just waited, made zero contact, and sent it to collections. All prior invoices came directly to email. I did not receive the collections call, but the call came in at place where all 3 architects have been hired. They told my family member I owed debt and they have been trying to find me. The architect has my email, address, and phone number and never once followed up after my dispute, but claims in the collections email that multiple attempts were made to claim the debt. None of which is true.

I am currently filling out a complaint to the CFBF. I will send the same documents over to the state licensing board to review his professional violations. I am preparing a letter to ask the collector to validate the debts and prove how I owe them, but the story behind it all is why the claim is false and my understanding is they only have to validate the invoice(name, company, etc). Is this a dead end? Anyone have any advice where to go on the complaint side? I was going to walk away from the invoices i paid, but I am contemplating legal action for all my funds back.

Architect 2 has be disingenuous the entire time and I fully expect to end up in court, but I am more concerned with a lien on the buildings I rent which is a violation of lease. What should I do? Am I doing it right? Should this move to legal advice?

Submitted December 09, 2020 at 05:45PM by Entrophy34644 https://ift.tt/37Rq1dM

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