I used to be an employee at Airbnb. They went public on Thursday, IPO'd at $68, and then the stock jumped to $150 before opening. That $82 gap when applied to my state taxes, accounts for just over $100k.
The problem is that I don't owe state taxes, as I no longer live in the US, but they withheld them anyway, and sold the shares to cover it.
So, my question to any experts out there -- Is it worth going down the rabbit hole of trying to get Airbnb to somehow un-withhold those shares? Is this even possible to fix at this point from both legal and practical points of view? If I just file my taxes normally next year I'll get back the $68 per share, but that extra $100k is just gone :'(
I know that some general advice is going to be "speak to an attorney/accountant", but I'm looking for some practicality here. I'd be happy to pay someone to fix this, if it's possible to fix, considering. I don't want to pay someone $10-20k just to ultimately get told that they can't do anything.
Submitted December 12, 2020 at 05:18PM by aroundtheworld-again https://ift.tt/3gIDIzD