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I’m on a journey towards simplifying my life, and have been focusing on work. Not just going to my job, but everything that brings more work: home life, possessions that need maintenance, hobbies, holidays, etc. I recently heard the quote in the title and it really rang true for me. It seems like no matter how hard I try to cut back and simplify, I crave things that bring me more work.

It’s taken me a few years but I’ve gone from teaching full time, running a music studio, choreographing annual musicals, square dance calling, and Irish dancing to just teaching full time and being a mom. I’ve gotten so much better at just leaving my work at work (not so easy with the teacher martyr culture). But I keep finding myself wanting to fill my time. Part of it is distraction from pandemic life, but some of it is this weird need to always be busy.

I don’t actually like being busy and overburdened. And yet, I keep wanting to start a new hobby, or try a new extravagant project that I don’t have the supplies or time for. So far I’ve avoided actually going out and buying supplies by making extravagant lists and fantasizing about what doing the projects would be like in the hopes to satisfy the urge. It’s sort of working?

I can’t be alone in this. Other people are so quick to tell you to just go for it and jump in with both feet. But I don’t want to end up with more stuff and the frustration of no time to use it. How does everyone here handle this sort of thing? How do you keep it simple when you crave new things to do or learn?

If you got this far, thanks for indulging my rambling. Give me some good advice!!!

Submitted September 24, 2020 at 10:44PM by rwilly27 https://ift.tt/3mOU3FR

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