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I am currently in the process of getting approved for a mortgage loan. The bank wants me to show bank statements and pay stubs. Since I recently switched jobs in the beginning of July to one that pays more will it be wise to ask my current managers a letter to the bank reassuring them that I'm a good employee that is not going away. Also is it wise to ask my previous employer who I was on extremely good terms with a letter to the bank saying I'm a good employee and I can fall back and work at his place for slightly less pay but enough to pay for mortgage if things get bad. I been working at his place for 2 years before I left. Right now my credit score is 680. I have 5k in savings for downpayment. And 15k in investments which I can use as collateral for the loan. I am applying for the FHA loan (which requires a 3.5% downpayment). I'm asking for 100k for the loan. I'm working at Walmart making 21k a year I was working at Dairy Queen at 19k a year. Walmart had better growth opportunities that's why I switched. I am 18, the only credit I use is my credit card. The letter of recommendation in opinion can help with lack of credit history and low income. Are my odds in my favor or should I countinue saving up? Will the letter help with my odds?

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 08:16PM by ethanjohnson000 https://ift.tt/337oYW1

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