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I’ve worked at my current company for a little over 5 years. I worked in a different department for the first 3. I started out at $13/hr, with a promise that if I was doing well 6 months in, I would get a $1/hr raise. After a bit of reminding (when the 6 months was up), it was given to me. About 2 years later my old work place contacted me offering $16/hr. I didn’t want to leave, but the offer made me contemplate my worth. I contacted my boss immediately and explained to her what happened, she spoke with her boss, and a day or 2 later they offered me $16 to stay. I did.

A “promotion” in another department came up, and I had numerous co-workers suggest I show interest. I did. After a bit of commuting (the new position was at an entirely new office about 45 minutes way) for training purposes, I was given a raise up to $17.25, to compensate for the commute, and started a new position.

I’ve been in my new position for 2 years. I relocated very close to the new job, to make things easier. It also put me closer to my 9 year old son.

As Covid has been for everyone, it’s been chaos in my industry. We are BUSY. But within the first month my company let go of some people that couldn’t do their own jobs from home. Half of my department was allowed to work from home full-time, and the rest of us were now stuck doing the work of multiple be on a day-to-day basis for 6 months. I do get to work from home on mondays and tuesdays, but I’m just as busy as if I were in the office. I just get to be busy in pajamas.

A little over a month ago a co-worker that I was close with let me know she took a job with a rival company. I dont know what she was making, but I believe I was making $1-2 more than her at my company. Her new job pays her $24/hr. My company informed her they couldn’t come close to matching and she left.

I jokingly told her that if they ever had another opening that she should let her boss know. Well...they have an opening. She let her boss know. I spoke to him very briefly on the phone last week to set up a time to meet. That time is tomorrow morning.

I really do love my co-workers. My company has been great to me. But, I make $17.89. I just recently had to get a new car. Living in the city is expensive. Child support. Etc.... What I mean to say, is that $24.00 would be a large difference in my pay check. I don’t want to make the choice based strictly on pay. But, it’s hard not to think about it.

Maybe they don’t offer me the same amount. I guess I shouldn’t be throwing that exact figure out there. But, I have at least 1 more year of experience in the industry than my co-worker did when she was headhunted.

Anyhow...I’ve asked her a bit about her new workplace. The downsides that I can recall, from her, are that her new co-workers definitely don’t seem to like one another anywhere near as much as my current ones do. Their means of doing the work that we do (I’m in the Title Insurance industry) is much more archaic than my current company’s.

They also gave her an extra week of vacation, so that’s another positive to think of.

Sorry, this post is incredibly long, and my mind is all over the place. I figure that this should be an easy “yes”, but I would like to hear what others have to say. I’m a bit scared of the unknown. I know what my company offers, and I’m happy. I’m overworked at the moment and I have stress levels I’ve never seen before, but I know what I’m doing here and I do it well. I just don’t want to make a big decision (for me) without gathering some sort of insight from a others.

Thanks, and I appreciate any words of advice. Questions are also welcome, if anyone wants to know specifics.

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 06:30PM by ArKiVeD https://ift.tt/2GaUoSB

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