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Quick rundown on my situation, I am currently unemployed and have been since may ( i am look for jobs, since it's a requirement) and have been unable to find work for multiple reasons (coronavirus, riots) that make my current living area almost entirely void of jobs.

So I had just gotten furloughed from my job from school (work study), but furloughed. The reason I say that is because my job would have extended into the summer months into next year. With that culmination of issues on top of me running out of money I need some form of Income to keep myself afloat. So I filed for unemployment and was excepted, I didnt hid that I was a student in university. But the problem is that one of questions asked if "I was CURRENTLY in school" and in my idociy it seems I translated it as since its summer and I'm not taking summer classes, thier for I am not a student. And filed out NO.

Months go by and I get a steady flow of income to pay for nesscititys. Then last week I'm told I need to pay everything back, or incur a penalty and interest. That's specifically from the states unemployment so I thought "it's not super bad". But then I relized that after talking to a someone over in my states unemployment office that it would also include all the money I was given by the federal goverment. Which basically means I need pay back about 6-7 thousand dollars I dont have.

I'm a college student so I dont make much money to begin with, and with current problems i have no income or money. I will need to basically cut back on everything and on top of that also find a job asap. Other then that I dont know what the fuck to do or where to turn.

If this is the wrong sub, sorry could you point in the right direction. I just need some advice badly.

Submitted July 24, 2020 at 08:26PM by TheWolrdsonFire https://ift.tt/39rSN5l

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