Fidelity: (I moved to Fidelity after backing out from my FA)
- Roth IRA (Total: $9821.77)
o Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth CL A EPGAX
o Fidelity Advisor INTL Growth CL A FIAGX
o Fidelity Advisor Small Cap CL A FSCDX
- Individual Fund (Total: $2024.54)
o Fidelity Advisor New Insights CL A FNIAX
this is where my money is currently at. I would like to move it out of the advisor funds and put the money into a new one. I remember someone saying I have to liquidate it and then transfer it out. Can anyone tell me how exactly I can do that with Fidelity? Also, recommend a retirement fun/ mutual fund? Thank you!
Submitted June 14, 2020 at 08:07PM by Master-Commander93