I am 20, living with my parents, and attending college (that they are mostly paying for). However, due to my home environment becoming increasingly toxic, I am looking for habits, tips, etc. that I can implement into my life now so that I can gain financial freedom as quickly as I can (moving out of my parent's house, paying off loans, paying my parents back for school, and so on).
Do not get me wrong, my parents have always loved and taken care of me, and have had money set aside for my schooling since forever. Outside of this, though, they both struggle a lot in different areas of life, and just recently sprung on me that they are getting divorced and are mostly fighting over money. The environment is very stressful and taking a toll on my mental health, and I have been thinking for a while now that the best choice for me is to move out and become more independent while still cherishing them and paying them back for school.
I have some money saved (less than $2000). I'm working part-time for the next few months until I go back to school, and hopefully getting a job on/around campus when I return.
I'm fully aware that this is a process and there is no "get rich quick" solution, but I'm honestly very lost and overwhelmed and just looking for SOMEWHERE to start. I don't even really know definitions for "money terms" that I see a lot on subreddits like these. I'm scared that I will end up deep in money problems like my parents.
I'm a bit embarrassed to even ask this because I feel like I should already know. Please, anything would be helpful.
Submitted June 01, 2020 at 08:28PM by Whatisthismoviee https://ift.tt/36Rr3FE