About 7 months ago, after a lifetime of shaving with disposable cartridge razors, I switched to doubled-edged safety razors. At first I was pretty apprehensive about using them, and was super cautious, fearing I'd cut myself. I did nick myself a couple of times during my first week of use, but now I don't even think about it. Using it has become a habit and I shave automatically, without giving it any more thought than I do riding a bike.
Using safety razors is much more economic than using disposable razors, but you still have to stock up on blades from time to time. My own humble blade supply should last me many, many months, but after I'm through with it I was thinking of trying out a straight razor.
I used to be apprehensive about using them, for the same reason as I was about using safety razors: I was afraid of cutting myself. But now that using safety razors has turned out so well, and now that I don't worry about using those, I'm not really apprehensive about straight razor use either. I'm sure I'll get used to using them too.
The big upside of using them for me will be that there'll be no need for refills. I'll just have to keep my razor honed and maybe sharpen it every now and then. Otherwise it should last me a lifetime.
So have any of you made the switch? How did it go?
March 30, 2020 at 07:38PM