This might be embarrassing, so please don’t rip me apart, but I haven’t had medical insurance in over 6 years. I have tried applying for Medi-cal, but was told last time I didn’t qualify because I was $100 over the income limit. I’m currently trying again due to health concerns but the process is taking forever.
So, I’ve made it this far without any unnecessary trips to the doctor or dentist. I genuinely can’t afford to visit them. Recently this year, I had an abscess growing on my behind that I brushed off as a sore tailbone because I didn’t want to go see a doctor and pay money for them to tell me to ice it and rest. Eventually ended up in the ER and it was more serious than I thought.
What I’m trying to say is, I don’t go to the doctors unless I feel like it’s a life or death situation. And I hate living this lifestyle because I know I should take better care of myself. I do everything possible to avoid an unnecessary trip, but more health problems are coming up for me and now I genuinely need insurance. I’m really hoping I qualify for this insurance because I really need it. I guess this is more of a rant that anything, but just wanted to see if anyone kinda related to this frugality when it comes to healthcare. Advil and Tylenol have been my cure these past couple years.
October 25, 2021 at 07:57AM