Please, no judgement, but I am currently a stripper and make around $1300 a week working only three days a week. I hate my job, but we have a lot to pay for right now and I want to be an actor, so it's the only thing that both pays enough and allows flexibility for when I need to travel to auditions. I come in whenever I want. My fiance is an electrician and his paychecks vary from $300 to $1100 a week. Usually around $600. This is amazing money for our age, but we're still having issues. Here's our budget, basically.
The biggest problem is that we are currently saving $1,305 a month to pay out of my apartment from before we met (this is the last month), our insurance is due every six months and we didn't start saving for it until this month (3 months left) so we are having to save $450 a month, we use $1800 a month on spending money and groceries, our rent is $500 a month, car payment is $280, phone bills add up to be $150, my acting classes cost $300 a month, electric bill is $70 a month, I owe $305 a month to school, and I have $200 in medical bills per month.
Are there any other jobs I could do that would pay enough for us to do this, but also allow me to act and go to college? And how can we spend less?
Submitted September 13, 2019 at 11:38PM by kasseeisnotcool