My F29, mother F61 is one of 5 siblings. Their last remaining parent, my grandfather, passed away without a will. He owned a house and 2 acres that appraised at 72k. We live in Illinois.
My parents have always (40 years) lived in a trailer beside the house on the two acres. My grandparents paid the utilities. My Mom worked retail for a few years (around 9) a couple “under the table” jobs taking care of elderly people including my grandparents. My father is disabled and been on SSI for years. He recently has been put into a nursing home full time. Her siblings tell us it would be best to leave the house in their 4 names leaving my Mom off because he is in a home and the state will take the house for money reasons.
My Mom’s 4 siblings decided she could live in the house and she will get x amount of money to continue to pay the bills. The money will last around 6 years by my estimate. Her trailer is no longer livable and will be demolished. She gets $600 a month from my Dad’s SSI but most of that goes into medical bills, life insurance and CC debt.
She is being given the option to maintain the house and will need to come up with the utility and tax money after about 6 years OR she can take the money and move out now.
She is also very simple minded hence why my grandparents took care of her. She doesn’t even know what a mortgage is despite me explaining it. She also did not finish high school. She cannot learn how to use a computer despite me trying. I would assume she would be on the spectrum if she was born in todays world. She has always been misunderstood and even taken advantage of because of her naiveness. I handle all of her finances since my Dad’s stroke for this reason.
My questions are
When she turns 62 in a month will she qualify for Social Security even though she only worked “on the books” for 9ish years? Will her mental state effect this decision if a doctor did decide she was on the spectrum?
Would it financially be better to try and take on the house utilities (around $1000) a month? Or should she look into housing, section 8 etc. Rent runs around $500-700 for a one bed apartment here.
If she stays: Should we keep the deed in my aunt and uncles names? Would that give my mom any rights to her own home?
Or if the issue is too complex does anyone know if I need to talk to social security, a lawyer or a financial planner?
I have no idea where to begin to help I barely cover my own mortgage and bills.
Submitted September 03, 2019 at 10:00PM by Kimbahlee34