This may not be the correct subreddit to post in for this. I've just been google searching to try and find an active reddit community. Please point me in the right direction if that is the case.
We just found two weeks ago that my wife is pregnant and we just found out recently that she was dropped from her state insurance last year when we got married due to me making too much money to qualify anymore. Due to the fact that the we got married and her insurance got cancelled over a year ago, she does not have a qualifying life event (in the past 60 days) that allows somebody to qualify for cobra or sign up for insurance outside of the open enrollment period. I also make too much money for her to qualify for state insurance anymore. With that being said, it looks like we will have to pay all out of pocket until she can get on my work insurance. Which that open enrollment starts in December but the effective date is not until January 1, 2020. Leaving my wife pregnant and uninsured for the next 5+ months.
Does anybody know of anything that we are overlooking? Or have any suggestions? Paying in full for doctor visits/prenatal visits/ultra sounds seems scary as shit when you are trying to save up and prepare for a baby. We live in Washington State. There is a state program called "Pay Down" (or something like that) which would cover all expenses after $7,200 spent. We do not have $7,200 saved up or even much expendable money for that matter being that most of my paycheck goes immediately to bills and her work being inconsistent at best. Just feeling overwhelmed that we'll be well behind the ball money wise once the baby comes.
Thanks always reddit.
Submitted July 25, 2019 at 07:21PM by Grssrg