I want to start by saying my mother is my best friend and I would do anything for her.
That said, I need help from someone with an outside perspective. My mother has never had much luck with money, and it seems like things are only getting worse. She currently lives with me (I'm renting), and although we started off splitting bills, she had to stop working because of health issues and for the past several months I have been covering everything. This would be no problem at all, except about three months ago I lost a big client (I'm a freelance writer and editor) and have been working to build back up to the point I was at before. I now have way too much credit card debt and every month I have to keep my fingers crossed that I'll make enough for rent.
My mother tries so hard, but somehow can never get ahead. She has an Etsy store that is moderately successful but not enough to pay the bills with, and she has tried to get into writing like me, but she's not very fast so it's hard to be competitive. I'm not sure what to do at this point other than continue working as hard as I can to make enough for the both of us. On top of it all, she also has credit card debt, so even if she does make more than $100 in a month, a lot has to go towards payments, then food, then bills last. If anyone has any suggestions for the both of us to get ahead, it would be much appreciated.
I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm 23 and she's 59.
If I've left out any information or should be posting this somewhere else, please let me know. I'm not on Reddit often enough to know all the rules.
Submitted June 15, 2019 at 08:05PM by [deleted] http://bit.ly/2KlkMdc