I've been saving up for quite awhile now. I'm a first time home buyer, my wife and I are looking into buying a house because we just had a kid over a year ago and were steadily out growing our apartment...
Personally I dont see the benefit in buying a house right now, I'm very worried the market is going to crash and my 250k home will be worth 150k and I'll be fucked. My wife wants very badly to move to a house and almost seems as though she doesnt care about that...
We can rent a house but rentals are ~$1400 starting and thats for a mediocre home at best... our rent right now is cheap. Only $825 a month for what I would say is easily one of the nicest apartments I've ever lived in... were able to save with this rent though, if we rent a house we won't be able to save much if any at all.
So I suppose my question is how likely would a crash in the market be? Ny grand parents are telling me that before this last one it has never happened and buying a home was always a good investment. Does that still hold true?
Submitted May 07, 2019 at 10:32AM by Rustymuff http://bit.ly/2H7nfFb