In October 2018, I bought a beautiful one bedroomed 1930s flat, on the ground floor with a bit of garden outside. Unfortunately it is on a very rough council estate; I didn’t have much budget
It soon emerged that the person living in the flat next door to me was a problem neighbour.
The ins and outs of what happened is a very long story, and to be honest it is really not relevant to my dilemma.
Where we are now: I have had to get the police and the council involved, she is facing prosecution, and in revenge she has passed my name and details to every crack addict/skank/criminal on the estate. So I now can’t go to the shop to buy milk without someone random swearing at me, cigarette butts get put through my letterbox on a regular basis, and people are emptying garbage on my garden.
I suffer from anxiety, and also have psoriatic arthritis which flares up when I’m stressed. I have been both mentally and physically unwell for months. After some incidents this weekend, I have finally cracked and moved back in with my mum and dad. I can no longer live there.
In some ways it’s freeing to admit I’m done, but the future is terrifying.
I have only just bought this flat. I have very little equity, I will be selling suspiciously quickly, and I will have to declare I had problems with the neighbours. Can’t imagine anyone is going to jump at this place….and no more they should, to be honest.
I have no savings whatsoever, I wiped myself out to buy. I am also in credit card debt; I’ve never been very good with money.
I understand swapping to a buy to let mortgage will be expensive. I also don't know if I feel right letting it out, considering that whoever I let it to is going to have to deal with next door.
My parents own their own home outright, so no mortgage, but they are pensioners. I will not feel right unless I contribute money for food and bills. I will want to give at least £200 a month.
Ideally, I will need to move out and live on my own but no idea how I can afford that.
Basically I am looking for any help or advice at all because I am desperate here. I have no idea what I’m going to do and I definitely do not want to spend the next five years living with my mum and dad.
Here are my vital statistics:
Age: 42
Country: UK
Relationship status: single
Mortgage: £84,000, taken out in October 2018
Value of property when I bought: £95, 000
Monthly mortgage payments: £403
Salary: approx. £23,000 a year (I take home £1463 a month)
Credit card debt: (on two cards, both on a 0pc deal for next two years): £4916
Loan debt: £10, 666 (repaying at £153 a month)
EDIT: should probably have clarified, I have precisely £0 savings
Submitted May 13, 2019 at 07:30AM by violet_revyle