Hello.I am currently living in Nepal and attempted to make a raised dishwashing station so my host mother could move from crouching, shoeless, near the buffalo urine fecal river behind the house to a more suitable area for cleaning dishes and clothing. Since nobody else will do it for her, I tried making a brick and concrete station.I think I have really messed up my project and want some thoughts.I set the concrete mixture into the form for the table top/sink in a cool area. If you need a visual, you cab find youtube videos on how to make a concrete sink. The form will look similarly to that. I mixed the ingredients fine and the metal mesh was placed correctly into the concrete while pouring.. my other cement projects turned out just fine and I did not change my methods. Not having tools made making the form difficult but I made it work well enough. I mixed the ingredients using the one-man tarp method. My favorite method.I covered with a plastic tarp, and kept moist for four full days.Today I went to remove the form and to my utter dismay the concrete somewhat easily breaks off. A chunk of concrete came off of an important corner. Good thing nobody here speaks english.. oh the words that came out of my mouth...I have already created the brick walls to hold the sink, and that worked out fine.Okay, I live in a village in nepal. So it doesn't have to be perfect... at this point ill fix the corner after placing the sink and that is fine. I cannot carry another bag of concrete and gravel/sand down the hill again to retry because I leave in a week... and unfortunately I'm completely broke and cant afford an ten dollar bag of cement. Here's the question:--In your opinion, is there hope that the concrete simply hasn't cured yet and more time is needed, or should I accept a failure. It has been six days since pouring. Give it to me straight, folks... via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2HX5g3B