I negligently caused a water leak which ended up partly flooding an apartment below mine, which I don’t dispute. This caused damage to electronic equipment, furniture and clothing belonging to a student renting the apartment below. My insurance claim was denied and the student did not have any insurance so she is now suing me personally through the small claims court for the cost of the damage which is $6500. I realize that without any insurance I am on the hook for somehow paying this out of pocket , I tried to borrow money to pay but this has proved difficult as a tenant I’m sharing the apartment with has not kept up payments on previous loans. A friend says that without any means to pay, I can’t prevent the student suing me and once she has a judgement, she can have me put on a payment plan to pay her or have my wages garnished which will ruin my credit and I will have big financial trouble for years. So even if I can manage to pay her on a payment plan, will her suing me totally ruin my credit?
Submitted April 20, 2019 at 08:52AM by ResidentCitron http://bit.ly/2VdHFUL