I'm going to convert my garage into a temporary bedroom to live in. There's already walls, a ceiling, and a window. However, there are two gaps along the walls which invite bugs. We've had black widows and cockroaches in our garage before and there's no way I'm going to live in there unless all of the cracks are completely sealed. I will also add either vinly or laminate flooring which will be sealed into where the flooring meets the wall (or cement block).http://bit.ly/2P9RdL8 (Aerial view)One gap is between the drywall and white painted cement block (not sure the terminology of that block) and another gap between that white cement block and the concrete floor. Some options I can think of:Fill in the gaps with something like caulk, expanding foam, etcBuild something to cover the white cement block that seals into the drywall and floor (e.g. mini wall, extra wide base board, etc)Build an entire wall to cover the existing wall - seems redundant but would actually give me an opportunity to add insulation to the temporary bedroomIs it bad to seal these 2 gaps due to water/moisture or something? (I live in CA if that matters). Would I be better off building an entire wall or small plank/baseboard that seals to the floor/wall? I anticipate living in this temporary bedroom 1-3 years. via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2UU7w42