My parents waisted most of the conciderable resources they once had. They actually ran out of money in the recession, during my freshman year of college. I was on my own at that point. Anyway, they always say they did it all for my brother and I. I grew up in a nice town, but they had a huge spending problem, because they liked to show off. Also, my father was a physically abusive narcissist. He was prone to childish outbursts. They had a business. They now have meager earning potential.
My wife and I are from the same small town. Her father died shortly after graduation. Her mother makes decent money but, spends it bailing out my idiot brother-in-laws, negative equity car deals, or renting expensive condos. Unlike my parents constant garden hose of financial waste. She prefers the occassional fire hose approach. What I call catastrophic financial decisions.
Brass tax, none are prepared for eventual long term care. We have gone through this with our grandparents and it was financially taxing for our families.
I am not going to pay for their care. It will pain me to see them in miserable facilities but, the only chance I have at giving my daughter a true advantage is living a simple debt free life. I think about this problem almost daily.
Anybody else out there who struggles with this?
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 07:17AM by F100Sunday