Hi all! I'm 18 and in college with very few expenses (full scholarship) and have about $5,000 sitting in my checking account that I'd like to invest or save. This sum will likely increase over the next three years due to substantial school refunds. I also have a part-time job that pays $8.50 an hour but may quit in a year or two to get an internship. I'd like to save it up over about 3 years to put towards grad school.
I need some advice on how to invest this. I have a relatively low risk tolerance and have never been very good with economics so I'd prefer to avoid something complicated or risky, especially when economists predict an impending recession (I'd hate to lose it all in the stock market or something). I'm leaning towards a high-yield savings account, but I'm not entirely sure. Does anyone have advice on how to save or invest and, if I'm right about the high-yield account, which banks should I consider? Thank you!
Submitted February 08, 2019 at 10:52PM by ScroobySnarcks http://bit.ly/2TGEJfi