Sorry if this comes off as a bit ignorant, it's the first time I am filing a tax return so I am pretty clueless. Also, If I neglected to mention any important information, please let me know.
I am currently in my final year at my undergrad. I live with my parents, and I started working at a car wash September of 2018, so this is the first time I will be filing a tax return. A coworker mentioned that if I proved I was a student, I could get up to $2000 back when filing taxes. I've never heard of this before and this seems like a lot of money, so I'm not quite sure how that works. When I filed the Fafsa for this current year, it was as a dependent, but when I filed the Fafsa again for this upcoming cycle (I am applying to grad school) I filed it as a dependent. Also my parents don't pay for my college, I take loans/scholarships, but I do live at home. Is there actually something I could get back for being a student, and if so how would I go about doing that? Thank you.
Submitted February 10, 2019 at 10:44AM by TheCrippledGod