I think this really comes down to personal preference and the feelings of soundness, but I'd like to get some opinions.
Besides my mortgage of $148k, I'm debt free.
I pay all my bills on time, and I always pay off my CCs at the end of the month.
I am investing 15% into my retirement in my company's 401k, and they give a 6% match on top of that. I'm 30 and single, and the amount I have in my retirement seems on track for retirement at age 65.
I'm working on trying to get my emergency fund to $6000, which I can 100% hit this year. That's 3 months of expenses. Even with that $6000 goal, I am currently somewhat aggressively paying my mortgage (about an extra $300/month), because I've just never had that big of a debt and it really bothers me.
I don't have any PMI. My interest rate is 4.1%. I've read a lot and people seem to think this is "good" debt. I just can't really wrap my head around any debt being good debt.
But one day, within the next two years, I think the bf and I will move in together, get a house, plan for marriage, etc. With that in mind, I don't have any savings for another down payment on a house. Should I stop aggressively paying my current mortgage to just save for the next home?
I understand there's equity in my current home, but what if I can't sell it as fast as I buy the next house, you know what I mean?
TL;dr Most of my finances are in order, so should I aggressively pay my currently mortgage or save for the next house?
Submitted January 14, 2019 at 10:59PM by aliquotboron http://bit.ly/2TNaDXe