Can we use simple living to buffer our insane relatives?
With mine I accept phone calls and letters, but no email. This is because there is a level of crazy that is somehow acceptable in an email forward that seldom merits a phone call and never the effort of putting pen to paper and the purchase of a postage stamp.
I really think that the mix of online right wing conspiracy and racist bullshit and easy email--both as sender and recipient--has made our lives a lot more miserable with our family connections. I deliberately avoid seeing what I'm sent in order to not think less of my family. If that isn't a reason for pursuing technologically simple living in our personal relations, then I don't know what is.
Edit: "Sent" past tense. The inspiration for this post is my recent ban on relative's addresses. As I worked through my inbox I deleted and banned (filtered if you must) the usual suspects.
Submitted December 07, 2018 at 03:55AM by trimwicks