This isn't strictly a frugal request, but the frugal may find it useful:
I read about a place like that somewhere on Reddit, and I wondered if anybody knew about it. A friend is in that situation; it's a weird one. She's going for BA in the sciences, but already has a old BA in liberal studies. The local unis are booked out and won't take a student for a second BA. She's doing lower-division at the community college, which doesn't care. AND she is able to take some, maybe all, she hopes, of her upper-division at the local uni through the CC without enrolling. (Edit: but it's real work and real credit -- something called concurrent enrollment. It's even -- dare I say -- free.)
That's the thing. She may be able to get all the credits over time (she hopes), but they won't enroll her. So is there some school that'll take GEs from an old BA, community college credit, and UD big-kids-school credit taken in strange ways and munch it together into a degree?
October 02, 2018 at 10:34PM