Technically they've been available for about a year, but I remember 2 years ago absolutely scouring the internet, craigslist, and local businesses for these things. The best price I could find on them was $14 apiece with $7 shipping from commercial suppliers. So this is a big difference.
These things are amazingly versatile, but only recently super available and worth investing in.
So far I've made a queen-sized bedframe, and medium desk out of them for about $120. Which while TECHNICALLY not as cheap as something free from Craigslist, is a lot more versatile and easy to work with (Plus doesn't need a truck to transport.) Not to mention cleaning out all my closets in the process with all the extra, easily accessible storage.
Important I'm talking about the Buddeez Brand. The storex and 'file crate' types are garbage who used to be $6 too before Buddeez came along.
October 11, 2018 at 01:01AM