First off, I'm not that young(m24). Which, is a bit relevant. I have about $2k cash and a car. Thankfully I'm not broke.
I should also preface that I'm trying to go to school. Didn't start going until I was 21~ and I've been having problems with my parents about fundng school all 2-3 years. Felt like a lot of their problems they've had they unloaded on me(they're going through a divorce now). Their favorite punishment was running me out of the house and apologizing a few days later with the opposite parent saying "oh, you know how he/she is".
Actually moved out right after highschool and once again last year. After highschool I couldn't apply to fafsa or student aid because my parents "made to much" and I wasn't able to get an independent review for my case(think that's what it was called at ththe community college I was going to at the time). My parents insisted I move back in, help with my brother(he's literally autistic, like no memes), and go to school part time. It's always been I either don't work enough or I'm working to little with them. Idk they've ended up in therapy and I've gone "behind their backs" and gone and talked to someone too. And I don't want to sound like someone off of /r/raisedbynarccists so, I just need some forward direction. Also, first time I was ran out was for having a recreational medical card. It was not. It was a card I had received from planned parenthood from when I went with a buddy of mine to get free condoms and lube(I was 16).
I've been couch surfing and have been sleeping in my car for a few days. And honestly it hasn't felt bad because I actually feel less stressed(other than a sore neck and the fact I'm probably constipated).
I was working at a warehouse saving up til the end of the year(fall semester has already started) before I left to a friends house a few hours away. It's highly possible I could go back and start working again(it's been 3 weeks), since I pretty overwork myself all day and would show up for the voluntary overtime the next day.
I have applied to fafsa as independent and received a sar offer score of 0(?). I have no idea what that means. I have access to a shower/oven/fridge but it's a few hours away. The place I park my car over night is safe/residential.
I'm going to get a gym pass(easy showers?) this week. But, again I need some general direction. Feel like time is more value able than whatever cash I have saved up. I'm on my phone/mobile so sorry off this wall of text sounds monotone. I'm not really looking for pity/sympathy. I just need options and some serious planning.
Edit: should mention: I'm like 25 mins from LA, no credit cards, no debt, no drugs, I should still have health insurance, car is payed off, and I have another 1k cash I can pull together. So I'm kinda well off for being homeless ¯\(ツ)/¯
October 23, 2018 at 08:38PM