There was no big fight or anything, but my parents just let me know that they would no longer be financially supporting me after my 18th birthday. I turn 18 in March, and I was planning on staying with them until college next year. Now, I need somewhere to live while I finish high school. I asked if I could rent a room from them, and they told me that would be taking the easy way out of things. I don't have any relatives or friends I could live with either.
I live near Atlanta, and I'd ideally like to be in the city but I have no idea where to start looking for places to live, or expenses, or anything else. I have a steady minimum wage job right now, and I'll be moving to full time when I turn 18. Right now I have $5,000 in savings (I basically haven't spent money since I turned 16) , and a car I've fully paid off. It's in my parents name, but I completed every payment myself and they're letting me keep it.
I'll also probably be postponing college now that I have to find an apartment and live on my own. I was planning on paying my tuition with scholarships and my job while living with my parents, but that just doesn't seem possible if I have to rent my own place.
I make about $900 a month right now working 30 hours a week. I have a $70 phone plan and use about $40 in gas per month. I'll be moving to full time with a raise, so I'm thinking I'll make around $1400 a month.
I have no idea what I should be spending on rent, food, any of that. I don't honestly know what expenses I should worry about, if I should look for a higher paying job in the city, or move to a cheaper place to live. I have no idea. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 11:35AM by OnMyOwnAdvice