I just learned a great trick while remodeling my mother's home. There was 40 years of paint layers, grime, and just gunk on all the door hinges and cabinet hardware. A friend suggested this and it worked like a charm. Those hinges and latches can get expensive and the costs add up quickly.
I got a used Crock-Pot from Goodwill and cheap plain steel wool from Walmart (paint section). I put a couple of the wool bricks in the bottom of the crock pot and put about 4 of the hinges on top then covered with water. Placed the Crock-Pot in high and left them covered for a few hours. When I pulled them out 90% of the paint and gunk peeled right off. A wee bit if sanding with the steel wool brought the hinges back to like-new! Saved me serious coin and I have original copper and brass hinges and latches. This was for doors and cabinets. Next weekend I'm going to do the remaining hinges and latches. I hope y'all can find this trick helpful, too.
October 17, 2018 at 12:24PM