https://imgur.com/m4b7hPuI am sorry for my drawing but maybe some appreciate it.I am trying to attach the wooden back panel to my newly completed (somewhat) speakers, but I am waiting for them to be removable. I have come to the conclusion (if you look in my post history, not too far though, you can see a recent post in r/diyaudio where, if you have any better ideas you can post here) that the best solution for me would be to glue a wooden block at the bottom so I can add threaded inserts into both the top and the bottom. Then add some spongy material around the edge to keep it airtight, and then bolt the back plate into place.However I thought a neat little metal bracket would be much better than glueing a very thin (I don't have that much room). If you couldn't work it out from my drawing, the metal bracket would ideally be an L shaped sort of block which would screw permanently into the base, and then have a threaded hole placed perpendicular to the aforementioned permanent holes.Is this a thing? If so could someone be so nice as to give a name or even better a link? (A name is really fine though :) )oh and thanks! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2pGGlID