I currently have a contract job pulling in 30 hours a week at 9 bucks an hour. I did have another job making 300 a week when my account was randomly closed and they refused to reopen. I was into freelancing. I have applied to jobs and I have mostly been turned down. I live with my boyfriend and he has a job making 11.50 an hour. He has an interview for a potential employer making 16 an hour. We can honestly live off of his income if we had to even at just 11.50 an hour. I'm starting to think that maybe it might be a good time to start off my education. I was approved for a 7000$ grant and the classes I want to take will cost 3000 for 9 months full time classes. I was wanting to take classes for a medical biling coding specialist or honestly maybe anything that will guarantee me a job at 35000 a year. Then after we save up. My boyfriend will do the same and go for his LPN. Is this a bad plan or should I just focus on finding another job? We only have one car and not enough right now to a buy a junker.
Submitted August 24, 2018 at 10:54PM by SirensAtDawn https://ift.tt/2LpY53x