I started a job at a non-profit back in July on a salary of $3,500/month with medical benefits and a 403b (non-matching). Over the last few months the non-profit has lost some of it's regular donors and is short of cash. I was the last person hired and everyone else has been here for the at least 4 years.
My boss sat me down a few weeks ago and explained to me that they could no longer afford to keep me on my current salary. At first they wanted to turn me into an independent contractor and cut my hours but they later realized that this would attract the attention of the IRS (they've had issue in the past). They don't want to lay me off, so instead they offered to keep my on at a salary of $1,200/month and retain my benefits and expect me to work at full capacity.
$1,200 a month is $7.50/hour for full time work; minimum wage is $11/hour in my state ($14/hour in the city the np is located in, going up to $15/hour in July).
Is this legal? What (other than quitting) can I do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Submitted April 11, 2018 at 10:44PM by 1stchairsungihornist https://ift.tt/2JEIjCm