I run a small FedEx ship and pack mostly to get better rates for my eCommerce site so I don't care about letting people know this. I have learned a few things that may help you guys out.
If you go to a FedEx or UPS place you will pay more than you should. Most people seem to think that you get the same price as if you went to the website but you could be paying almost 30% more going in person. The people who run these stores get a very small discount on shipping prices and can't make a living selling shipping at the list price so they all mark it up even higher than what FedEx.com will quote the random shmoe. Sign up for your own account and ship online and you will get a cheaper rate 99% of the time.
Also, if you have a small package that isn't in a hurry, use the post office! It's so much cheaper and you get a tracking number these days. The smallest box shipping from FedEx is going to cost you a minimum of $10 but if you ship the same box with the USPS, it's like $3. That's not huge but it adds up. FedEx does tend to be cheaper on bigger items though.
March 13, 2018 at 06:28PM