I will probably be living at their guesthouse, I will be using their main house kitchen and bathroom. Things I thought about that can actually save me time:
Paper plates - I know they love bringing in visitors and random people all the time, the kitchen is always full. I can't cook to save the money from me, however, I can save time and instead of stockpiling on my own plates because of social anxiety to wash them and wake up early morning to even do it, I think paper plates can last me well
Tissue, toilet papers - This can be a good idea, I can start collecting napkins from my work too
Water bottles - This can be bought monthly, worth it? Probably, I can save by just getting water from their tap into a jug but I can probably even save time by doing this
Toothpaste - I'm thinking of switching into powder base only and a supply of floss is actually a smart idea, a bulk buy of this will probably be a good choice, yes?
Soap/Shampoo - Although they have their own and I can probably even use it, I don't want to smell like old granny, but I've never bought soap/shampoo since the dorms I lived in provided their own. Any thoughts on this?
Food - Type of food I'll probably need to buy are just microwavable. I'm not used to them but things like ramen may do well... I like to buy a bag of rice and it can usually last me 2-3 months.
Astronaut ration food - I have a couple, and they actually taste pretty good. This is what I resort too when I am crunched in time and roomies are using the kitchen + having people over
I'm planning on doing this and it sounds like I'm prepping for a doomsday lockout scenario. But in all seriousness, I just want to be prepared. The guest house has the essentials like electricity but I also don't want to go back and forth the main house. Supply wise (in a 3-6 month sense) what type of things should I bulk up on that can save me money in the long term?
March 18, 2018 at 03:57PM