Hi there, posted here before and I guess this is the culmination of that situation?
I was recently approached by a friend to apply at the company he worked for. After going through the interview process I was told today over the phone that they'd like to hire me, and that a written offer would be coming later that day.
Question 1 - When the person on the phone described the offer I did pipe up and ask for three weeks of vacation, which she said they could definitely do. My question is - should I have waited for the written offer to do this? Did I potentially screw myself out of additional negotiating power for my salary?
Question 2 - While I only received a verbal offer and confirmation the written offer would be coming later the day, I was also told my start date was set in stone, as they have scheduled on-boarding for all new hires and that cannot change. My second question is - should I wait for the written offer to give two weeks notice, or give the notice now considering I have a start date?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Submitted March 16, 2018 at 09:33AM by FancyAssassin http://ift.tt/2pfTAA6