The best croutons use the best breads, after they have gone stale. My own favorite reference for croutons is at this site:
It's not every-time I check it that they have a nice solid pumpernickel, or french bread loaf, etc. The best part is the markdown you get along with the bread being about ready for crouton making. I bring home a nice loaf of something for under a buck and turn it into croutons people just eat off the stove.
Homemade croutons are crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and whatever flavor you want them to be. Herbs, spices, oil, and 15 minutes in the toaster oven.
Aside from that I used one of the loaves I got to make a big grinder (sub/hoagie/etc) and it was not bad. A light toasting helps.
March 05, 2018 at 12:31AM