Hey guys, hoping for some good advice on what to do. Sorry about the long post, its a doozy. I appreciate any opinions you can share. Hopefully this is an appropriate topic here.
I'm 25 years old and just graduated with a bachelor's less than a year ago. I'm working an extremely tough job at the moment. Its VERY physically demanding (I wake up sore everyday, and by the end of my work week I can barely stand and lift the things I need to. My two off days are barely enough to recuperate.) I wake up at 4am every morning for work, and have a required ten hour work day. However, mandatory breaks are not built into this 10 hour day, so if i need to eat or take a break, that time is just added on. I get paid a daily rate, with no overtime over 40 hours, because the company claims its built into our paychecks. This is a job as a beer merchandiser, and I have 6 stores i am required to visit daily. However the expectations of my managers do not mesh with the expectations of the store managers quality wise. So nearly everyday of the week I'm working 11 to 12 hour days with no overtime, no breaks, and a lengthy commute. I feel like a 50 year old because my body is constantly sore and in pain, even though before this job ive always been physically fit.
The grocery store managers I work with are the epitome of stereotypical retail managers. They are rude, uncaring, and fly off the handle at the slightest problem. I'm basically a grunt to them, and they dont have any respect for me as a person. Every single one of them complains daily about my company. They demean me in tones that make want to walk out of a store. The other night one noticed that I missed filling a product fully (3 in the case instead of 4) and the store manager called all three of my managers to say i never came in (there's a sign in sheet I sign every day)and for the rest of the night I got calls and texts from my managers disciplining me. And when I convey my concerns to my managers ( I have 3 different ones ) they all say, yeah we'll look into it, but nothing ever gets done. Ive been working this job almost a year and the same problems I noticed and reported my first week are still going on. Basically, there are no good selling points to this job, besides a paycheck. Its a toxic environment.
So obviously I need to find a new job. I'm starting grad school in August, so ive already informed the conpany I'll be leaving by then. Ive tried to apply to a few jobs but no luck so far. My biggest inner battle (which is where you guys come in) is the state I'm in right now. Ive struggled with major depressive disorder in the past (no therapy anymore but still on meds). I was at a place when i started this job where i was happily improving myself and felt good about where I was at.
Because of this job I no longer do.
I barely sleep because of the stress, I've been drinking more than I probably should, because having a beer or two each night is quick and effective at releasing the stress i carry in my body. I have no time to practice my hobbies or honing my more "Zen habits" to help with depression (meditation, tai chi) and exercise is impossible because of how physically drained I am. I leave for work at 415, get home past five, and by the time I shower, make and eat dinner, and take care of random chores, I get about an hour of free time before I have to try to sleep (which is around 8, but i can never fall asleep until 9 or 10). Because i have so little time, and no motivation to do anything that can actually help me, I'm definitely not pursuing my job search as seriously as I should. I feel pretty hopeless right now. I dont believe ill be able to find a job more compatible with school if this pattern continues.
My heart is saying quit the job and take some time to work on yourself again and find a new one. I'm currently been living at home since I left college, and pay a small rent to my parents(300 per month). But ive saved up over 12 grand from working the past year, plus savings from jobs before that, so finances arent a problem for a few months here. But it was drilled into me by my parents to never, ever quit a job without another one lined up. I dont want to be irresponsible, but I feel like I'm literally breaking down at this job and I'm not sure what to do. Any advice would be helpful. Ill be prompt with any questions in the responses. Thank you.
Submitted February 26, 2018 at 12:44PM by Crappyjob18 http://ift.tt/2GKTWoN