We make about $150k combined per year, and calculated our debt to income ratio to be about 24%. She wants to buy a house desperately, but I’m leaning more towards paying off our debt.
She has figured, if we start saving now and pay our minimums on the debt instead, we could have about $30k saved which is plenty for a down payment where I live.
I want a house, but I hate our debt, we have been tackling it quite successfully over the last year and if we continued we could have everything paid off in 2-3 years or so. We have consolidated a lot of it into loans so our apr is 9% or lower on most of it but we do have a couple credit cards with higher apr
Just looking for advice, I personally want to convince her to put her dream of buying a house on hold. Her fear is that home prices are going to skyrocket in our area because it’s booming with tech industries, we live in Denver and want to stay here
Submitted January 20, 2018 at 10:55AM by Theddosios http://ift.tt/2DjplNT