Hi all,
So I've followed PF for a while and I saw a few post on how to get a raise. I had been at the company for a year and half and have been busting my ass from day one. I mean not giving them any excuse not to give me a raise. As they added responsibility to my work I had a hard time asking for more money. It was just uncomfortable and made me feel like I might not deserve it. So starting last summer I started keeping an Excel sheet with every project I touched and how much money it triggered for the company. I made sure to note exactly what action I took, one or two sentences. Finally in January my number was well into the 7 figues.
I wrote an email to my boss outlining the major points of my successes. I was clear in my appreciation for the opportunity and leadership, also my commitment to my next assignment and the company. I also wrote, this is my official request for a raise to X number.
Well long story short, I got a promotion and raise of 15k(USD). They also let me know that if I do right by this new role, I'll have more money coming my way. My family is super happy, and I am super proud that my hard work paid off but I realized I had to put my hard work into real money terms for the company.
Submitted January 20, 2018 at 11:55AM by Bigyellowone http://ift.tt/2n1kfjp